Energy Cooperation Prospects in Poland-Second meeting was held in Paris, on the 13th of May 2013 at the French Senate in Paris. It was focused on cooperation between Poland and European Energy Sector.
Conference was organized by Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France and Indar Energy in cooperation with French Senate, Polish Senate, Polish Embassy in France and Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (central region of Poland).
One of the main goal of this event was to promote international dialogue and encourage business opportunities in Poland based upon the energy markets, market opening, and commodity exchanges.

The Conference was attended by more than 70 guests and journalists. The participation of a considerable number of foreign representatives of energy companies and institutions, has given a unique character to this second meeting.
The conference was opened by Hanna STYPULKOWSKA-GOUTIERRE, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France, Michal WOJTCZAK, Senator of Poland, Vice-President of the National Environmental Council, Yann Gaillard, Senator, Honorary President of the French-Polish Interparliamentary Group, Piotr Franciszek CALBECKI, Marshal, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship and Katarzyna KRAJEWSKA, First Secretary of the Polish Embassy in France.

The morning panel on “Coal and Renewable Sources of Energy” was very dense with eleven speakers and was moderated by Yvonne Kochanska, Founding Partner, Indar Energy. M. Jaroslaw PIETRAS, Director General, DG Environment, Education, Transport and Energy, Council of the European Union opened the session with a speech on “European Policy on Renewable Energy”.
The morning had a particular focus on Renewable energies development in Poland, with the intervention of Mr. Roman SZYSZKO – Vice President of Energa SA, Mr Michal SMYK Deputy Director Strategy Department Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE), Mr .Wojciech CETNARSKI – President of Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) and Mr. Andrzej BUJAS President of Fotolwoltaika Polska.

Constitutional standards and juridical point of view for environmental protection, energy industry and safety of investment have been presented by Mrs Jolanta TURCZYNOWICZ-KIERYLO and Ph.D Mariola LEMMONIER, President and Vice President of De Virion Academy.
The central point of market data gathering, was treated by M.Morten HEGNA – Manager of MONTEL, the well known energy data provider
Exchanges between speakers and audience continued around a nice and friendly lunch at the Senate, before the afternoon session where shale gas and developments of commodities exchanges were developed.

European Parliament’s point of view on Shale gas versus protection of environment has been presented by M. Boguslaw SONIK – Member of European Parliament, while M.Patrick PLUEN – Vice President France Total has presented needs, potential, challenges and regulations on Shale Gas in Europe. Mr .Piotr Franciszek CALBECKI – Marshal, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship spoke about shale gas revolution as a low cost energy.
The last part of the conference was dedicated to energy prices and development of exchanges with Mr. Ireneusz LAZOR- President of the Management Board of POLPX- Polish Power Exchange, and Mr. Jean –Francois CONIL-LACOSTE Chairman of the Management Board, EPEX Spot- European Power Exchange. Both explained how in new deregulated markets exchanges are an essential tool to provide market players with a safe environment to cover the price volatility risk as well as to hedge the cost of energy supplies.
Conclusion of this afternoon was drawn by the moderator of the afternoon session: Mr Denys POSE – Founding Partner of Indar Energy.
In the evening a cocktail party, kindly sponsored by Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship, was given at the Trade and Investment Promotion Department of the Polish Embassy in Paris.
To make it short, the second Paris convention dealing with the Polish Energy Market Sector has been very fruitful for all participants and a great success.